Barron Associates’ Neuroscience Education Game Implemented at Local Middle School
Barron Associates has developed a novel video game for promoting neuroscience education, called “NeuroSPARKS.” The NeuroSPARKS game is controlled by a special armband that measures muscle activity in the arm, providing students with hands-on insight into neuroscience topics and technology. The goal of this project is to spark interest in STEM fields by presenting students with a unique and engaging platform that demonstrates innovative technology and neuroscience lessons that are not usually included in the classroom. Barron Associates recently tested the game at a local middle school with seventh-grade students in their regular life science class. Students enjoyed the unique experience, and demonstrated statistically significant increases in neuroscience learning and scientific interest following completion of the NeuroSPARKS lesson. Barron Associates is currently working to bring the NeuroSPARKS game to additional classrooms in the Charlottesville area.