Barron Associates has developed EMPATHIE, an educational game that provides an immersive experience into life with a motor disability and promotes design thinking and problem-solving related to the associated mobility challenges. The system leverages technology developed previously by Barron Associates, namely its novel video game interface, which implements a wireless electromyography (EMG) sensor as a […]
PREEMPT Hospital Patient Monitor Begins Clinical Study
The negative consequences of immobility during hospitalization are numerous, profound, and well-documented, including pressure ulcer formation, longer lengths of stay, muscle weakness, increased risk of falls, loss of independence, and reduced quality of life. Bed rest and inactivity accelerate the functional changes that are part of normal aging; the link between inactivity and adverse outcomes […]
Barron Associates Chronic Pain Assessment Clinical Feasibility Study Ends
Evaluation and treatment for chronic pain are major contributors to rising healthcare costs; however, systematic, objective assessment of the functional impact of pain remains exceptionally challenging. Barron Associates has developed the KnowPain wearable instrument to objectively and quantitatively assesses the functional impact of chronic pain (FIP) using measures derived from motion and physiologic data via […]
Barron Associates Initiates Validation Study for Remote Oxygen Adherence Monitor (ROAM) System
Barron Associates has developed the “Remote Oxygen Adherence Monitor” (ROAM) to reliably assess long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) adherence. LTOT is associated with significant reductions in hospitalizations and improved quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Despite the benefits of LTOT, adherence remains a challenge in the majority of patients. The […]
Barron Associates and UVA complete the KneeBRIGHT Clinical Trial to Evaluate Game-based Knee Osteoarthritis Rehabilitation
The “Knee Biofeedback Rehabilitation Interface for Game-based Home Therapy (KneeBRIGHT)” system combines electromyography (EMG) biofeedback with video game therapy to provide knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients with an engaging, effective tool for conducting rehabilitation exercises at home. Barron Associates has completed a randomized control clinical trial to assess the efficacy of the KneeBRIGHT system at improving […]
Barron Associates to assist in NASA research on AAM means of compliance
Barron Associates will assist in a NASA research contract aimed at investigating and implementing certification means of compliance processes for Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) with Increasing autonomy. The AAM and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) initiatives have led to a proliferation of new vehicle designs, operating environments, control design, and safety and certification challenges. Because of […]
NASA Phase I Selected for Award: LiDAR-Supported Emergency Landing System for AAM Vehicles
The autonomous LiDAR-supported Emergency Landing System for AAM (LELSA) emulates the perception, cognition, and decision making of expert operators to provide an onboard capability to accomplish the complex emergency (precautionary or forced) landing task autonomously. LELSA leverages both existing data and data acquired through in-flight perception (LiDAR) to: (1) locate potential emergency landing sites; (2) […]
Barron Associates Co-authors Journal Paper
Barron Associates team members co-authored a paper recently accepted for publication in the journal Thorax. The paper explores the hypothesis that the Pulse Arrival Time (PAT) response to obstructive respiratory events is associated with increased cardiovascular risk in people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Kwon Y, Wiles CJ, Parker BE, Clark BR, et al. “Pulse […]
Conference Publication on Autonomous Spacecraft Control
Recent research into closed-loop optimal control for spacecraft rendezvous and proximity operations was presented at the 31st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting by Michael DeVore, Richard Adams, and Adam Reed. Autonomous guidance and control solutions for spacecraft rendezvous and proximity operations (RPO) must be robust to modeling uncertainties, unmodeled dynamics, errors in thruster output and […]
Barron Associates’ Novel Wearable for Chronic Pain Assessment Begins Clinical Feasibility Study
Evaluation and treatment for chronic pain are major contributors to rising healthcare costs. Although accurate assessment of pain and function is the cornerstone to successful chronic pain management, systematic, objective assessment of the functional impact of pain remains exceptionally challenging in practice. Barron Associates has developed the KnowPain wearable instrument. KnowPain objectively and quantitatively assesses […]