Barron Associates is developing a method and system to non-intrusively record patient activity levels in acute care and long term care settings. Recognizing a link between inactivity and adverse outcomes, the goal is to be able to inexpensively monitor and assure adequate levels of therapeutic mobilization on an hourly basis. The Patient/Resident Mobility Tracker (PREEMPT) […]
Dental Sentinel Clinical Study Commences
A clinical study to evaluate Barron Associates’ Dental Sentinel system is underway. The Dental Sentinel is a miniature adherence and sleep monitoring micro-recorder that can be implanted into an oral appliance (e.g., an orthodontic retainer). The Dental Sentinel overcomes present barriers to wider adoption of oral appliances, and offers the capability for highly accurate adherence […]
Phase I Contract Award: Simple Mortar Augmentation for Repeated Targeting and Enhanced Range
Barron Associates has developed a simple, low-cost, mortar augmentation to improve range and targeting. The Phase I research will involve simulation analysis to verify the design and performance enhancements.
Upset Recovery Team Completes Flight Test Evaluation of Recovery Guidance Program
The Barron Associates Upset Recovery Team has completed flight evaluation of its Damage Adaptive Guidance for piloted Upset Recovery (DAGUR) program. These flight tests were supported by Calspan Aerospace and their experimentally certified Learjet 25B. Post-flight pilot option/feedback has been very positive and the quantitative analysis of the flight data is ongoing.
Barron Associates Presents SaeboVR at American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 2017 Annual Conference and Exposition
Barron Associates employees Rick Adams and Eileen Krepkovich, along with a team of student volunteers from the Mary Baldwin University (MBU) Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program, presented and demonstrated the Virtual Occupational Therapy Application (VOTA) at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 2017 Annual Conference & Exposition in Philadelphia, PA from March 30 – April 1, […]
Barron Associates Awarded NEI Grant to Develop Vision Therapy Games
Barron Associates, Inc. has been awarded an SBIR Phase IIB Competing Renewal 2-year grant (2R44EY021079-05) from the National Eye Institute (NEI) to develop a commercial iCare software system providing effective and motivating vision therapy for children with non-strabismic amblyopia or convergence insufficiency. The iCare product builds on Barron Associates’ expanding portfolio of FDA cleared, evidence-based […]
Space Test Program-H5 Automated Plume Sentry (STP-H5 APS) Achieves Mission Success by Detecting Thruster Firings During Space-X Dragon Departure from ISS
The Space Test Program-H5 Automated Plume Sentry (STP-H5 APS) instrument successfully detected charge-exchange plasma interactions generated by two thruster firings by the Dragon spacecraft during its March 19th, 2017 departure from the ISS. The result supports the hypothesis that charged particles resulting from the ionization of neutral effluents from departing and approaching spacecraft propagate back […]
Virtual Occupational Therapy Application (VOTA) FDA Cleared
Barron Associates’ VOTA software system for practice of simulated activities of daily living (ADLs) in upper extremity (UE) rehabilitation has received 510(k) Clearance from the FDA as a Class II medical device under Classification Product Code LXJ. The 510(k) Summary is available online at: Indications for Use A software system used with the Microsoft […]
Virtual Occupational Therapy Application (VOTA) Demonstrates Efficacy in Completed Clinical Trials
VOTA is a software system, used with the Microsoft Kinect, intended to be used to support repetitive task practice for rehabilitation of adults in a clinical or home setting consistent with Standard of Care for upper extremity (UE) rehabilitation. The system is based on simulated activities of daily living (ADLs) for the UE within a […]
Strength And BALance (SABAL) Virtual Trainer Pilot Study Demonstrates Validity of Game-Derived Metrics
The Strength And BALance (SABAL) software system provides a virtual world-based gaming experience incorporating evidence-based exercise that aims to reduce the risk of falling in older adults. A prototype game was developed under a small business research grant from the National Institutes on Aging (1R41AG046958-01A1) including an integrated virtual world in which the older adult […]