Recent Posts In: Awards

Barron Associates Receives Grant Award to Develop Novel Dental Appliance

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) current practice parameters recommend oral appliance therapy as a first-line treatment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Approximately half of patients who attempt positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy cannot tolerate the treatment and prefer an oral appliance as a less invasive and more portable therapeutic option. However, a […]

Knee Biofeedback Rehabilitation Interface for Game-based Home Therapy (“KneeBRIGHT”) Research Program Begins

Barron Associates was recently awarded a grant for the development of a novel knee rehabilitation system. The Knee Biofeedback Rehabilitation Interface for Game-based Home Therapy (“KneeBRIGHT”) system combines electromyography (EMG) biofeedback with video game therapy  to provide knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients with an effective tool for conducting rehabilitation exercises at home. KneeBRIGHT aims to motivate […]

Barron Associates Awarded Contract to Develop Second-Generation Animal Training System for Landmine Detection

Landmines represent a serious and lasting threat to public health in many countries throughout the world. Landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) cause severe injury, death, and duress, often denying people access to their homes and land. Barron Associates is developing the Automated Deployable Robust Training (ADROIT) System, an automated and comprehensive environment to train and […]

Barron Associates Awarded Contract for Run Time Assurance of Advanced Engine Control Systems

Barron Associates has been awarded a third year contract on an on-going effort to study the application of runtime assurance (RTA) methods to turbofan engines with advanced propulsion control algorithms.  The class of advanced control systems being considered cannot be fully certified to the proper Design Assurance Level (DAL) due to their inherent complexity and […]

Patent Issued on Gloved Human-Computer Interface

The U.S. Patent and Trade Office has issued a patent for a GLOVED HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE, Patent No. US 9,104,271 Bl, Aug. 11, 2015, inventors Richard Adams (Barron Associates Inc.), Aaron Olowin (Barron Associates Inc.), and Blake Hannaford (University of Washington). The technology stems from developments made under the Glove-Enabled Computer Operations (GECO) NASA Phase II […]

Development and Flight Testing of an Automated Upset Recovery System

Barron Associates has been awarded a Phase I SBIR contract to develop upset recovery technology for unmanned vehicles.  Loss of control (LOC) due to upset is one of the main causes of accidents in manned aircraft and is already emerging as a significant causal factor in unmanned aircraft accidents. On manned aircraft, recovery from an […]

Virtual Redundancy for Safety Assurance in the Presence of Sensor Failures

Barron Associates has been awarded a Phase II SBIR contract to develop “Real-time Sensor Integrity Management” technology.  Sensor failures are a major flight safety hazard for all types of air vehicles, both manned and unmanned.  Even in vehicles with extensive hardware redundancy, common-mode failures can lead to losses of critical state feedback information, which in […]

Barron Associates awarded grant to Develop Balance Prosthesis

Barron Associates is leveraging advances in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)-based inertial instruments to develop a novel balance prosthesis for individuals with balance disorders. The BALCAP prosthesis provides feedback to wearers via a substitute sensory channel regarding head orientation and motion, whether the individual is stationary or moving.  Such sensing emulates natural vestibular function; the head-mounted BALCAP […]

Patent issued for tube-launched guided aerial delivery system

Technology development from a NAVAIR Phase II SBIR resulted in a patent (1/27/15) for a sonobuoy glide-kit (SEABRD) for guided payload delivery from high altitude deployment. Barron’s technology is unique in that it attaches flight mechanisms directly to the sonobuoy steel outer-housing and does not require a distinct fuselage. Thin wing and tail surfaces combined […]

Barron Associates’ Publication Recognized by AIAA as Best Paper at the 2014 Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference

A paper coauthored by Jared Cooper (Barron Associates) and Dr. Morelli (Sunflyte Enterprises) was named co-recipient of the AIAA Best Paper from the 2014 Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference. The paper entitled “Frequency-Domain Method for Automated Simulation Updates based on Flight Data” describes a statistically-based frequency-domain method for using flight data to update aerodynamic data […]