Barron Associates has been awarded a three-year U.S. Navy Seaport-e contract with Prime Contractor status. Seaport-e is Navy’s high-efficiency acquisition channel through which over $8 Billion a year in IDIQ Task Orders are placed with companies that pre-compete to qualify.
Recent Posts In: Awards
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Equipped for Air and Sea Locomotion
Barron Associates has been awarded a NAVY Phase I STTR contract to develop a hybrid unmanned vehicle capable of operating both in-air and underwater. The goal of the research is to design an autonomous vehicle that can cover much larger sections of the ocean in less time than a traditional Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. Barron’s vehicle […]
Agile Aerial Sensor System Tailored for In-Situ Cloud Measurements
Barron Associates was awarded a NASA Phase I SBIR contract to develop a novel atmospheric sensing platform. The sensing apparatus, the WINGSONDE, is a compact, tube-deployed Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) equipped with atmospheric sensors and designed to operate at high altitude for extended operational periods. The WINGSONDE sUAS can be carried and deployed directly […]
NASA SBIR Phase I Contract Awarded- “Runtime Assurance for Flight Test Research Aircraft”
In June, Barron Associates was awarded an SBIR Phase I contract entitled “Runtime Assurance for Flight Test Research Aircraft” from NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center. This will be a follow-on targeted study related to BAI’s recently completed 3-year Air Force contract on runtime assurance framework development. The effort will develop more formal approaches to constructing […]
NASA SBIR Phase I Contract Awarded- “Run-Time Assurance for Safe UAS Operations with Reduced Human Oversight”
Barron Associates has been awarded a contract from NASA to increase the safety of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly called drones. Current UAS operations in the National Airspace System (NAS) rely heavily on human oversight, with the majority of commercial operations currently authorized by the FAA through the Section 333 exemption process restricted to visual […]
Phase II Automated Deployable Robust Training (ADROIT) System Selected for Award
Landmines represent a significant threat throughout the world. Landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) cause severe injury, death, and duress, often denying thousands of people access to their homes and land. Barron Associates is developing the Automated Deployable Robust Training (ADROIT) System, a comprehensive environment to train and deploy vertebrates to detect and mark landmines and […]
Barron Associates awarded grant to research and develop Patient/Resident Mobility Tracker (PREEMPT)
Barron Associates has been awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health to research and develop a method and system to non-intrusively record patient activity levels in acute care and long term care settings. Recognizing a link between inactivity and adverse outcomes, the goal is to be able to inexpensively monitor and assure adequate […]
NASA Phase II Proposal Awarded
Loss of control of an UAS operated at low altitude poses a hazard to people and property on the ground and is a barrier to operations in the National Airspace. Automated upset recovery technology will reduce reliance on a human operator to mitigate hazards posed by loss of control due to upset, leading to greater […]
Intelligent Simulation-based Test Methods for Certification of Advanced Planning Algorithms
Barron Associates has been awarded a Phase I SBIR contract to develop intelligent simulation-based test methods for certification of advanced planning algorithms. The robustness and operational flexibility of unmanned air systems (UAS) will be significantly enhanced through the integration of autonomous path-planning algorithms that modify system behavior based on changing mission requirements, environmental factors, and […]
Barron Associates Awarded Grant for Development of Virtual World Based Games to Motivate Strength and Balance Exercise
Barron Associates’ Strength and BALance (SABAL) program targets reduction of fall risk in older adults through fun, meaningful, and motivating games that incorporate evidence-based exercises and automatic generation of fall risk metrics. The product, consisting of virtual world-based gaming software and an off-the-shelf KinectTM sensor, will be used in senior centers, retirement communities, skilled nursing […]