Barron Associates’ Publication Recognized by AIAA as Best Paper at the 2014 Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference
A paper coauthored by Jared Cooper (Barron Associates) and Dr. Morelli (Sunflyte Enterprises) was named co-recipient of the AIAA Best Paper from the 2014 Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference. The paper entitled “Frequency-Domain Method for Automated Simulation Updates based on Flight Data” describes a statistically-based frequency-domain method for using flight data to update aerodynamic data tables used in flight simulators. The capability to accurately and automatically update a simulation database to account for nonlinear and unsteady aerodynamic effects embodied in the flight data is demonstrated. Useful features of this novel frequency-domain approach are highlighted, including computational efficiency, noise rejection, automated model structure determination in the frequency domain for nonlinear and unsteady aerodynamics, and the ability to generate simulation updates without air flow angle measurements in the flight data. Unlike spectrum estimation techniques which are inherently limited to linear systems, the approach presented in this paper applies to nonlinear and unsteady dynamics while retaining many of the advantages of operating in the frequency domain. This paper illustrates the approaches with an F16 aircraft and an accompanying paper applies the approach to the V-22 tiltrotor aircraft. The techniques and algorithms described in these papers have been incorporated into the AUSPEX toolbox, a commercially available software package developed by Barron Associates to aid in the simulation-updating and system identifications processes.