This short video provides a demonstration of guided piloted recovery from a transport category aircraft stall at 2000ft in the Barron Associates fixed-base simulator. The video starts with an automated stall entry followed by a piloted recovery that is initiated at approximately 0:17 seconds. During the piloted recovery, the pilot is provided with visual recovery cues on the primary flight display. The magenta command-bar chevron represents the longitudinal and lateral stick (or control column) deflections recommended by the recovery guidance system. The light blue command-bar chevron represents the current actual stick position. If the pilot chooses to follow the guidance recommendations, this is accomplished by deflecting the stick to nest the light-blue command-bar within the magenta command-bar. Similarly, the orange rectangle provides rudder pedal deflection recommendations while the power latter on the left side of the primary flight display provides throttle position recommendations. At approximately 0:34 seconds into the video, the pilot is comfortably back in control of the aircraft and re-arms (turns off) the guidance cues by clicking a button on the stick.
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